Schwartz Insurance Services, LLC
Schwartz Insurance Services, LLC
Licensed in Illinois and Missouri

1900 Harrison
Quincy, IL 62301
Phone: 217-228-1622
Meet Owner Stan Schwartz

Medicare Supplements

We Make Them Simple...

Medicare Supplements provide payment of the coinsurance and deductibles for health services approved but not paid by Medicare.

When should I sign up for Medicare? 

We recommend signing up for Part A (Hospital) 2-3 months prior to your eligibility, usually the first of the month in which you turn 65.  If you are drawing Social Security or on Disability you will be automatically enrolled.  Enrollment in Part B (Medical) depends upon your current insurance situation and employment.  Call our office for counsel. 

Can I see any Dr. I choose?

Medicare Supplements are accepted nationwide, no networks, no referrals.     

Are all Medicare Supplement Plans the same, regardless of the company?

Yes, as long as you are comparing the same Plans, i.e., Plan G to Plan G, N to N, etc.  Medicare Supplement companies have an excellent record of making payments. MEDICARE determines the eligibility; and companies are mandated to pay as a SUPPLEMENT to what Medicare approves.

My Medicare Supplement Premium increased.  Can I change companies? 

You can change your Medicare Supplement at any time of the year.  If you are not in an Open Enrollment or Guaranteed Issue circumstance, you may be subject to health questions. Call our office for clarification.

If all Medicare Supplement plans are the same, why is there a difference in the premiums?

Companies are competitive on a cyclical basis. The reasons are complex. Factors include corporate and marketing decisions, management efficiency, and simply “luck of the draw.” We monitor the marketplace constantly.



Call Stan, Angel, or Gail at 217-228-1622